There is a certain amount of mystery around how Reiki works. As Reiki Practitioners and Masters, we believe in universal life-force energy — the energy that is in us and all around us. The energy that is universal and infinite. We believe that this energy is channeled through us and offered from our hands to another being who takes that energy and uses it for his/her highest healing good on a physical/mental/emotional or spiritual level. However, for many people, that might be too much to wrap their minds around. It may be too abstract and esoteric. We can still have a discussion about Reiki and still reach area of agreement about how Reiki works.
Here are some possible areas of common ground:
- Reiki brings on the relaxation response. When the body is relaxed, it enters a place where healing can occur. When the mind relaxes, it sees possibilities and ways of being that it can’t see when it is experiencing stress. Relaxation heals. Reiki heals.
- Touch heals. Just the act of being touched in a kind and selfless way is healing. At the very least, Reiki works through the power of touch.
- Reiki is a placebo. It brings on the placebo effect in the same way that many medications do. We believe that it is going to work and therefore it does. (See, for instance, the work of Ted J. Kaptchuk.)
- Through the experience of Reiki, one “knows” how it works. To know Reiki, is to have experienced it. It is difficult to explain at times, however, the experience of it is unmistakable.
How do you think Reiki works? Please share your thoughts in the comments below.
Wishing you abundant health!
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